Psalm 11

In the Lord put I my trust: how say ye to my soul, Flee as a bird to your mountain?

For, lo, the wicked bend their bow, they make ready their arrow upon the string, that they may privily shoot at the upright in heart.

If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?

The Lord is in his holy temple, the Lord’s throne is in heaven: his eyes behold, his eyelids try, the children of men.

The Lord trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.

Upon the wicked he shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an horrible tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup.

For the righteous Lord loveth righteousness; his countenance doth behold the upright.

Psalm 11 opens with a declaration of trust in the Lord despite the counsel of others to flee to the mountains for safety. The psalmist rejects the idea of cowardice and reaffirms their confidence in God’s protection, even in the face of imminent danger from the wicked.

The psalmist describes the wicked as preparing their weapons to attack the upright in heart. Despite this threat, the psalmist poses a rhetorical question, highlighting the resilience of the righteous even in times of crisis. They affirm that even if the very foundations of society are shaken, the righteous can still find strength and hope in God.

The psalmist emphasizes God’s sovereignty and justice, asserting that He observes the deeds of humanity from His holy temple in heaven. God tests the righteous, discerning their hearts, while expressing disdain for the wicked and those who revel in violence.

Divine judgment is depicted as imminent and severe for the wicked, who will face the consequences of their actions in the form of snares, fire, brimstone, and tempests. This serves as a reminder of God’s righteousness and His commitment to upholding justice in the world.

In contrast, the psalmist concludes by affirming God’s love for righteousness and His favor towards the upright. The righteous can take comfort in the knowledge that God sees their integrity and will ultimately reward them accordingly.

In summary, Psalm 11 reflects on the tensions between trust in God and the threats posed by the wicked. It serves as a call to remain steadfast in faith, even in the midst of adversity, trusting in God’s sovereignty and justice to prevail in the end.