4 Psalms for Fasting

Fasting is a spiritual discipline that involves abstaining from food or other comforts to focus on prayer, repentance, and seeking God’s presence. The Psalms provide profound insights and prayers that can guide us during times of fasting, offering words of reflection, penitence, and praise. Here are four Psalms that are especially meaningful for fasting:

  1. Psalm 51: “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.”

Psalm 51 is a heartfelt prayer of repentance and renewal. Written by David after his sin with Bathsheba, this Psalm is a powerful plea for God’s mercy and cleansing. It captures the essence of fasting as a time for sincere confession and a desire for inner transformation. Click here to read Psalm 51.

  1. Psalm 69: “I humbled my soul with fasting.”

Psalm 69 is a cry for deliverance and vindication. It expresses deep anguish and suffering, yet also acknowledges the act of humbling oneself through fasting. This Psalm reflects the humility and dependence on God that fasting embodies, as we seek His intervention and comfort in our distress. Click here to read Psalm 69.

  1. Psalm 35: “I wore sackcloth; I afflicted myself with fasting.”

Psalm 35 is a prayer for justice and protection from enemies. In it, the psalmist recounts his acts of fasting and prayer as expressions of his earnest plea for God’s help. This Psalm illustrates how fasting is a way to earnestly seek God’s favor and intervention in times of conflict and adversity. Click here to read Psalm 35.

  1. Psalm 63: “My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food.”

Psalm 63 is a beautiful expression of longing and devotion to God. It portrays a deep thirst for God’s presence, likening spiritual satisfaction to the richness of a banquet. During fasting, this Psalm reminds us that true satisfaction comes from God alone, as we earnestly seek Him with our whole being. Click here to read Psalm 63.

Fasting is a powerful practice that draws us closer to God, helping us to focus on our spiritual needs and dependence on His provision. These Psalms provide words of guidance and inspiration, helping us to reflect, repent, and renew our commitment to God during times of fasting. May these Psalms strengthen your resolve and deepen your connection with God as you fast.